Saturday, March 7, 2009

We are glad to see you have found us again!
If you are new to Relay For Life, feel free to check out the last entry to get a better feel for the event!

This week was an excellent and productive Relay week.

We started off on a positive note, with a very well attended committee meeting on Sunday night. The committee is a group of students who volunteer to organize different aspects of the Relay event. The committee meets every other week and includes various sub-committees like: Team Recruitment, Luminaira, Activities and Entertainment, Public Relations, and Surviorship. Relay would be impossible without a strong committee. We are very lucky to have assembled a small, but dedicated group of nine. Of these fabulous nine, all are, or once were, design students. Six are majoring in architecture, which disproves the rumor that architecture students have no time for non major activities-for any prospective students out there!

As the count down continues, Relay responsibilities become more and more real. Since this is our first Relay, we had a lot of experimentation and things to learn--we didn't know what would work and we had to get the word out on campus to ensure we had enough support to even HAVE a Relay! Since we now have our feet on the ground, we do not think we will need to recruit for committee positions until much later in the school year. Hopefully that will bring even more people to this already great committee. Sometimes no amount of candy or cake can lure a person to a meeting. :(

But we are hoping food, friends, fun and a little curiosity, joined with the moving "celebrate, remember, fightback" theme can lure them to a Relay? Fingers crossed for a good turnout on April 3rd!!

One of the big tasks the committee is working on right now is food donations.
We have broken up the restaurants, grocery stores, and coffee shops in the area and have written a letter, asking them for food donations. Visiting local stores can become overwhelming and challenging to schedule, but our committee seems to be doing well!

I must now leave the Relay productivity for a less rewarding, but equally necessary activity: sleep.

I'll close with the highlights and challenges of our week:

*Great ideas, but slow follow through. We are working through approval issues for a campus-wide fundraiser we are trying to organize. (Update: We have just received approval for a Relay For Life Faculty and Staff Dress Down Day, keep an eye out of an email detailing this fundraiser! Very exciting!)
* Balancing Relay with mid-terms week.

*We are tickled to see the donations grow EVERY day--we have hit the $9,500 mark...and always increasing!!
*Personally, I was shocked and proud to see a group of girls selling food in the Architecture and Design building around 12am as a Relay For Life fundraiser! I enjoyed a delicious bag of Cheetos--thanks, ladies!

Catch you next week!

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